Back in 1927, the entrepreneur Marie Cuttoli assigned artists like Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso and Fernand Leger to produce several artworks, which she used to make unique tapestries of. She was ahead of time and combined craft and contemporary art in an unique way.
In 2020 we wanted to give artists the opportunity to spread their work more widely not just because, but also under the influence of a time where exhibitions and classical art experiences became hard to execute.
In addition to Stichler's "scarf-project" we also offer high quality fine -art-prints of selected oilpaintings as well as publications, like exhibition-catalogue and books about Stichler's work.
Who is "WE" ?
This online-store was developed by Stefan Stichler and a remarkable team of friends and supporters summarized under the label of "dasEINS artstudio"

the high quality fine-art-prints are signed by the Artist. We decided to keep the edition open to make a great price of 69€ each possible !
They are printed as a 9-colour-digital-print on vat-paper (Büttenpapier). They come to full effect by framing them in a objekt-frame*
The original artwork from what these high-end-prints are made of, are large sized oil paintings by STEFAN STICHLER.
You have no space for the original oil-painting? so get started with a Fine-Art-Print !
*We recommand: "Objektrahmen 50 x 40cm" bei

this high quality Silk Scarf was designed based on the oil-painting "UMGEBUNG" by the german Painter STEFAN STICHLER. It messures 140 x 40cm, was manufactured in france and gives you a great opportunity to make a stand to contemporary art by color up your unique outfit!

this high quality Silk Scarf was designed based on the oil-painting "HARLEKIN" by the german Painter STEFAN STICHLER. It messures 140 x 40cm, was manufactured in france and gives you a great opportunity to make a stand to contemporary art by color up your unique outfit!
COMMENTS may wear it like this!